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- Principals Welcome
- Opening School Mass
- Religious Education
- Dio Swimming Carnival
- Merit Awards Term 1 Week 4
- Gifted Education Officer at St Joseph's
- Term 1 2025
- Parent teacher interviews
- KIndergarten 2026 Information Session
- St Clare's Orientation Dates Year 7 2026
- Year 7 Enrolment for Catholic Secondary Schools
- Choir
- King Street Road Closure
- PUPIL FREE DAY Monday 31st March
- Increased Patrols
- Upcoming Parent & Carer Webinars
- Position Vacant - OOSH
- Gloucester Pony Club
- Gloucester Show
- 2025 Gloucester Show 21st - 22nd March, 2025
- Gloucester Show Fine Arts
- Junior Tennis Competition Friday Evenings
- Soccer Registrations are now open
- Gloucester U3A is looking for any Seniors/ Retirees?
Dear Parents,
This year we celebrate the Jubilee Year, and look towards our diocesan theme, ‘One Call. One Mission. Pilgrims of hope,’ and it is worth reflecting on the words of Pope Francis. “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and help gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and farsighted vision.” It was a beautiful morning joining the pilgrimmage of Hope on Sunday and Mass of Hope at Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Ash Wednesday, 5th March, marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the period of six weeks leading up until Easter and the most important festival in the Christian calendar. In Lent, we acknowledge the ways we have turned away from God in our lives and we focus on turning our hearts and minds back towards God. This year, we will celebrate Ash Wednesday at the Parish Mass on Wednesday at 9:30am.
Over the holidays, classroom renovations which included new carpet, autex, and painting was completed. Last week the installation of new CommBoxes, interactive screens, in each classoom and the Library were finished. The classrooms are looking fantastic with these updates.

This week, we are most excited for AIR (Author in Residence) and in welcoming Sami Bayly, published author, who will be here with us the week supporting our students in a writing and authoring cycle. We had a wonderful excursion to Copeland to prepare students for our work this week. We look forward to sharing this work and learning with parents and carers on Friday afternoon.
Peace & Best Wishes
Amy Maslen
Thank you to Father Terry, Mr McCann and all involved in our Opening School Mass. Our Year 6 Leaders; Georgia and Revel were inducted and received their leadership badges. The leaders carry out important duties throughout the year including running assemblies, representing the school and supporting Kindergarten buddies.

Sacramental Program
Last Monday we held our information session with Deacon John for our 2025 Sacramental Program. We had a wonderful turn up of students and parents for this year's program. We have 8 students participating in this program (Mia, Gaby, Ava, Elliot, Josie, Hamish, Freya and Amelia). Over the rest of this term and into Term 2 these students will have a number of short lessons after school to prepare them for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Cofirmation and First Holy Communion.
Bishop Michael will be here to celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion at the Parish Mass on Sunday 8th June.
We also have a number of students who will also be Baptised and we are hoping to do this as a whole school celebration later in May. It is wonderful to see so many students at our small school wanting to be a part of this program and to further develop their faith.
Pancake Tuesday
Next Tuesday we celebrate Pancake Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday) which is the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. The tradition of pancake Tuesday was that it was considered the last day of indulgance and people used up all the ingredients that they would not use during Lent.
Pancakes and toppings will be available for all students and any interested parents from 8:30am this Tuesday. Pancakes are free but we will have a Project Compassion Box out for anyone who would like to make a donation to help us launch our fundraising for Project Compassion.
Project Compassion
This week, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which also marks the beginning Caritas Australia’s annual Project Compassion Appeal.
The theme of Project Compassion 2025 is ‘Unite Against Poverty’, because together we can take action to make a lasting difference!
By donating to Project Compassion, Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, can work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
Each family will receive a Project Compassion box for their donations. Later in the term we have a day when the students can bring back their money boxes. The theme for this year is the 'Big Water Walk'. We will have some activities based on this theme.
Congratulations to Eli, Remi, Hamish, Jack and Elliot who travelled to Newcastle on Wednesday to compete in the Diocesan Swimming Carnival. Both Elliot and Eli competed in the individual 50m breaststroke. Eli, Remi, Hamish and Jack then represented our school in the 4x50m Small Schools Relay.
The boy's results were as follows:
Elliot - Jnr 50m Breaststroke 18th (1:20.88)
Eli - 11yrs 50m Breaststroke 17th (1:05.20)
Small Schools Relay - 4x50m Free 1st (4:05.97)
Our relay team will now represent our school at the Polding Swimming Carnival in Sydney on Wednesday 2nd April. Congratulations to all the boys and a big thanks to the parents who drove them to Newcastle.
K/1 - Miss Kylee Fitzgerald Imogen Wiencke - for her attention to detail when completing set tasks. Hazel MacGregor - for demonstrating her beautiful manners during successful foundation play. Gianne Abalos - for her growth in coming into the classroom and interacting with others. Lily Baker - for her outstanding knowledge of letter sounds and names. Everly Sheely - for her amazing drawings that match her work (especially her cat). |
2/3 - Miss Victoria Prosser Amelia Fulton - for her excellent work habits and positive attitude to learning. Indianna Clinch - for settling in well to her new school environment. Ishaan Puthur - for his determined efforts and perseverence when learning a new skill (skipping). |
4/5/6 - Miss Sophie Emerson Thomas Cawthorne-McKinley - for showing increased confidence and enthusiasm towards learning. Remi Ashby - For being a warm and welcoming member of our school who always looks out for new and younger students. Dakota Clinch - for transitioning so smoothly into our St. Joey's community. |
Principal's Award Elliot Banyer - for his leadership skills, concern for others and enthusiasm and participation in school activites. |
Week 5 | |
Monday 3rd March | Author in residence (AIR Week)/ Sami Bayly author at St Joseph's Gloucester |
Tuesady 4th March | Author in residence (AIR Week)/ Sami Bayly author at St Joseph's Gloucester |
Wednesday 5th March |
Ash Wednesday Mass 9:30am Author in residence Week/ Sami Bayly author at St Joseph's Gloucester |
Thursday 6th March | Author in residence (AIR Week)/ Sami Bayly author at St Joseph's Gloucester |
Friday 7th March |
Author in residence (AIR Week)/ Sami Bayly author at St Joseph's Gloucester FACE Forum/Meeting: 2pm Sharing AIR Week. |
Week 6 | |
Monday 10th March | Parent teacher meetings |
Tuesday 11th March | Parent teacher meetings |
Wednesday 12th March |
Parent teacher meetings Library |
Thursday 13th March |
Parent teacher meetings Sport |
Friday 14th March |
Parent teacher meetings Canteen |
Week 7 | |
Monday 17th March | NAPLAN Week |
Friday 21st March | Canteen |
Week 8 | |
Friday 28th March | Canteen |
Week 9 | |
Monday 31st March | PUPIL FREE DAY |
Thursday 3rd April | Minni Vinnies Fundraiser |
Friday 4th April | Canteen |
Week 10 | |
Monday 7th | Holy Week |
Tuesday 8th | Kindergarten Infromation Session 10am |
Thursday 10th | Sport day |
Friday 11th | Final Day Term 1 |
Parent teacher meetings will be held during Monday 10th to Friday 14th March. Please make a time that suits and book in Compass.
St Clare's Orientation Dates Year 7 2026
Monday 17th March. Registration between 3:30 - 4. Tours begin at 4pm
2nd June (3:40 - 5)
11th November
5th December
We had a very successful first choir group on Wednesday. Choir will continue most Wednesdays at second half lunch for any interested students. Thank you to Michaelie for volunteering to provide this experience.
PUPIL FREE DAY Monday 31st March
Monday 31st March will be a Pupil Free Day. Staff will be participating in professional development. Please make other arrangements for your child on this date.
Gloucester U3A is looking for any Seniors/ Retirees?
Gloucester U3A (University of the Third Age) is open to all Seniors and Retirees. There are over 20 different weekly activities held each term and anyone is welcome to join. Activities are very varied and cater to a range of interests (new ideas for sctivities aree always welcome). Current U3A weekly activities include things like Pickle Ball, Ukele Strum, Move Along Exercise, Bookclub, Card Table, Croquet, Indoor Bowls, Scrabble Table, Indoor Bowls. Classes are only $2 each week and U3A membership for one year is just $35. Everyone is most welcome to join in any of the groups.
Contact person is Secretary: Ray Vale Ph: 0412 003 247. Website: