Learning Support

St Joseph’s provides a caring, nurturing environment in which each student is recognised as an individual with unique strengths, abilities, talents and needs. As a smaller school, we strive to meet the needs of all students including students with special needs across a range of medically diagnosed disabilities as well as the needs of students who experience barriers to learning through learning difficulties or disabilities, social, emotional or behavioural issues in an inclusive environment.

Personalised Learning

At St Joseph's our aim is to ensure that each class has differentiated activities embedded and to provide adjustments for each student where appropriate. Our teachers employ a range of strategies in the classroom to differentiate the curriculum and specialist staff provide targeted intervention.

Ongoing Assessment

Teachers and staff continually monitor student needs and adapting the teaching and learning process accordingly. Class assessments, NAPLAN and standardised testing allow us to identify students with specific needs. Identifying and assessing student needs is an ongoing process. We conduct a school-wide standardised testing program each year, tracking student progress and gathering data for the needs of all students. We also gather additional information about students’ academic performance through classroom assessments, work samples, anecdotal evidence, teacher observations, parent interviews and reports. This assessment assists staff in planning for the individual needs of each student.

Specialist Support

Where we identify a student as needing support beyond the differentiated curriculum, we meet with parents to discuss and provide recommendations and outline how adjustments will be made in the classroom. We have access to a range of professionals including speech pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists and counsellors who can assist in the referral process. Communication and partnership with parents informs the planning and needs of all students at St Joseph’s.

Learning Support Programs and Interventions

We offer support to students in several ways including:

  • Specialist programs and interventions including MiniLit and MacLit
  • Individualised education plans
  • Individualised reading and mathematics programs
  • In-class support from learning support assistants

School Counsellor

Students and parents have access to a school-based counsellor. Our school counsellor provides support to students and families to enhance the mental health, social and emotional wellbeing of students.

Contact information for our School/School Counsellor: 02 65581 555

NSW School Liaison Police. Phone Number: 131 444

Community Services Helpline: Phone Number: 133 627

NSW Health. Phone Number:(02) 9391 9000

Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551800 NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 51

Phone number for School Liaison Police and/or Youth Liaison Officers is available at: https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/contact_us

Your local Police Station https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/about_us/structure/operations_command/local_area_commands